International Olympiad on Financial Security

08 August 2023

Participation in the Qualifying stage

Dear participants of the Qualifying stage of the Olympiad!

Detailed instructions on how to pass the Qualifying stage of the Olympiad are sent to your e-mails specified at the registration.

You need to send your documents and motivation letter to the official Olympiad email until August 20, 2023.
For any questions, you can contact the Call Center of the Olympiad!

20 June 2023

Summer School for the International Olympiad on Financial Security preparation was held in the Moscow Region

The work of the Summer Educational School, which was held in the Moscow region from June 9 to 17, has been completed. Throughout the week, schoolers from different regions of Russia participated in training sessions and workshops, listened to lectures by teachers from leading universities in the country, employees and experts in the field of financial security.

The Summer School was organised by the P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences (LPI) and the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation assisted by the Federal Financial Monitoring Service (Rosfinmonitoring) and the International Training and Methodology Centre for Financial Monitoring (ITMCFM).

Within the educational programme for schoolers of 8-10 grades, lectures and seminars were prepared on the following topics: "Mathematics", "Probability Theory", "Combinatorics", "Ontology", "Financial Intelligence", "Fraud Triangle" and others. In addition, schoolers participated in thematic workshops and business games, as well as gained practical experience with the Grafus gaming platform, a training system for conducting financial investigations.

The Summer School participants represented different regions of the Russian Federation. High school students came from Moscow, Moscow region and Rostov region, Lugansk and Donetsk People's Republics, Sevastopol and the Republic of Crimea, as well as from Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. The members of the teams into which the students were divided were randomly selected to ensure the best learning outcome. So, all schoolers, having their different strengths, were able to learn a lot in a game form and from each other.

Vladimir Glotov, the Head of the Centre for Inter-Olympiad Training of Schoolers and Students of the LPI, noted the importance and necessity of holding such educational schools:

“We have just held a successful training event for Russian schoolers. Similar schools on Combating Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism are held in other member-states of the Eurasian Group. Currently, it is vital to integrate the methods of teaching financial literacy. These are necessary measures to improve the standards of education in the field of financial security in the EAG member-states”.
05 June 2023

Regular meeting of the Executive Committee of the International Olympiad on Financial Security

The regular meeting of the Executive Committee of the International Financial Security Olympiad for students and schoolers was held under the chairmanship of Dmitry Afanasiev, the Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. The results of the Intermediate stage were summarized at the meeting, the issues of holding the Final were also discussed.

The International Financial Security Olympiad is held by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the Federal Financial Monitoring Service within the instructions given by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. The event is aimed at improving the information, financial and legal literacy of youth, searching for talented young people, preventing crime and extremism.

24,600 representatives from 19 countries registered to participate in the Preliminary (university) stage of the Olympiad, which was held this spring, including:

• 8,643 students from Russia,

• 2,878 students from CIS countries,

• 638 students from foreign countries,

• 12,441 Russian schoolers.

More than 6.5 thousand students and 2.2 thousand schoolers from Russia and more than 2.2 thousand foreign students were tested. The participants were ranked in the rating table according to the results of the completed tasks.

Due to the high interest in the Olympiad from citizens of friendly countries, the Executive Committee preliminarily resolved the issue of redistributing quotas for foreign participants. The list of finalists will be compiled based on the results of the Qualifying stage, which will be held in August.

Under the decision of the Executive Committee, preparations for the Final of the Olympiad, which will be held at the Sirius site this autumn, have begun. The programme will include tests, meetings with invited experts, sports events, seminars, training sessions, workshops, meetings with employers, round tables, debates, creative meetings, and panel discussions. The winners will receive benefits for enrolling to specialised programmes of higher education, Master or Postgraduate’s studies, as well as the opportunity to find a dream job in the prestigious field of financial security.
23 May 2023

The lesson on financial security and the Preliminary (university) stage of the III International Olympiad on Financial Security were held at the University of Havana

The lesson on Financial Security and the Preliminary (university) stage of the III International Financial Security Olympiad were held at the University of Havana site on May 19, in Cuba.

The events were organised by the participants of the International Network AML/CFT Institute: the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia and the International Training and Methodology Centre for Financial Monitoring, which is the coordinator of the Olympiad and provider of the organisational and methodological support for the Olympiad, it also coordinates the interaction of educational organisations that are members of the INI.

The lesson and the Olympiad qualifying tests were attended by 70 Cuban students from the University of Havana, the Polytechnic University of Kuhar, the University of International Relations.

Dmitry Chernyshenko, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Organising Committee of the Olympiad, addressed the students with words of wishes and support.

Miriam Nicado Garcia, the rector of the University of Havana, expressed in her greeting speech her gratitude for the opportunity to participate in the International Financial Security Olympiad: “We are confident that we will be able to prepare a competitive team. The challenge before us is to compete in the field of financial security with experts from all over the world! And we are proud that Russian experts will train us!”

Fernando Camejo, the General Director of the Cuban FIU, in his greetings to the students, promised to invite the best of them to practice in financial intelligence.

The lesson and the Preliminary stage of the Olympiad for Cuban students were held in the framework of the Russian-Cuban Intergovernmental Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation. The events that took place became yet another confirmation of the actively developing

cooperation between Russia and Cuba in the field of education and science, including issues of financial security.

In the Financial Security Lesson, Irina Shilina, the ITMCFM Deputy Director, told Cuban students why they need to increase their level of financial security, how to secure their personal data and access to their social media account, why scammers steal digital identity and how to avoid it. Colleagues from the university were given the information about INI projects and the events of the Olympiad.

Then the students solved Olympiad tasks in 4 areas: Economics, Information Security, Law and International Relations.

A team of 10 best students will participate in the Final of the Olympiad in Sirius in October this year.
17 May 2023

Teachers at the secondary school at the Russian Embassy in Argentina conducted a series of lessons on financial security

Teachers at the secondary school at the Russian Embassy in Argentina prepared and conducted a series of lessons on financial security.

This initiative was proposed by the Federal Service for Financial Monitoring of Russia to the teaching staff of foreign schools, providing them the necessary didactic video materials.

What dangers can the bank card holder face? What is phishing and vishing? Why should not you trust the tempting offers of the creators of financial pyramids?

High school students had answers to these and other questions having watched a video hosted by Olga Tisen, the Head of the Legal Department of the Federal Service for Financial Monitoring, Doctor of Laws.

During the subsequent discussion and analysis of real-life situations, the participants of the classes not only became convinced of the relevance and importance of the information presented but were also able to formulate and write down several rules for personal financial security.

Videos are available on our website in the "For preparing" section.
21 April 2023

Thematic lesson on financial security for schoolers of 9-10 grades was conducted in Novosibirsk

As part of the III International Financial Security Olympiad, Vladislav Biryukov, the Deputy Head of the Financial Investigation Department of the Interregional Directorate of the Federal Service for Financial Monitoring for the Siberian Federal District, conducted a thematic lesson for schoolers of 9-10 grades of the Secondary School No. 186 of Novosibirsk.

The participants were informed about competent financial behavior on the Internet and the rules of digital hygiene were mastered.

“Digital technologies simplify our life in many aspects, but they also give rise to many threats,” said the representative of the Service. Using examples of various life situations with schoolers, algorithms of actions to prevent the danger of becoming a victim of financial fraud and digital identity theft were worked out.
14 April 2023

On April 17, the Preliminary (university) stage of the Financial Security Olympiad starts

On April 17, 2023, the Preliminary (university) stage of the III International Financial Security Olympiad starts, which is held annually with the support of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Olympiad is aimed at popularizing financial security as a norm of life, as well as at shaping a new type of thinking among young people: from the security of an individual to the security of the state. Holding the Olympiad complies with the objectives of the national project "Education", the main goal of which is to provide opportunities for self-realization and development of children's talents, regardless of their place of residence and social status.

Schoolers of 8-10 grades and students can participate in the Olympiad. Last year 40 thousand children passed the tests, 500 of them reached the Final. In 2023 the International Financial Security Olympiad will be held for the third time and will bring together young people from more than 15 countries.

Registration for the Preliminary (university) stage will start on April, 17. Schoolers will be offered interdisciplinary tasks on the basis of the curricula in Mathematics, Computer Science and Social Science, while the tasks for students will be provided on the basis of the university programmes depending on the field of study (Law, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, Mathematics and Computer Science, Computer Science Fundamentals and Information Technologies, Computer Science and Computer Engineering, Applied Computer Science, Information Security, Business Informatics, Economics, International Relations and Foreign Regional Studies). All relevant information will be posted on the official website of the Olympiad

“Every year, despite the current international situation, we expand the geography of the project participants – from 7 countries in the pilot year of 2021 to 15 countries this year. This suggests that the Olympiad has become a new youth movement and an effective platform for training international-level professionals in the field of financial security. The desire of the young people to pass the university stage will be duly rewarded in the Final of the Olympiad. The winners will receive benefits for enrolling to universities, internships in the leading financial institutions of our country and invaluable experience in communication with professionals in this field,” Deputy Prime Minister, Dmitry Chernyshenko, Chairman of the Organising Committee for the preparation and holding of the International Financial Security Olympiad, commented on the start of the stage.

The winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad receive benefits when enrolling to universities for specialized Bachelor, Master and Postgraduate’s programmes under the Level I benefits of the Olympiad.

“Schoolers and students not only improve their personal financial security level through the new knowledge and skills, but also gain invaluable experience of participating in a large-scale international project. The young people are expecting non-standard tasks, interesting acquaintances, new friends and impressions. The Olympiad brings together a wide variety of people who are confidently moving forward in step with the times, building our future,” Yury Chikhanchin, director of Federal Financial Monitoring Service, noted.

The Final of the Olympiad will be held on October 2-6 at the Sirius Educational Center in Sochi. The programme of the Final will include tests, meetings with invited experts, sports events, seminars, workshops, master classes, meetings with employers, round tables, debates, creative meetings, and panel discussions
06 April 2023

Yuri Chikhanchin met with schoolers from Moscow and the Donetsk People's Republic

As part of the III International Financial Security Olympiad, Yury Chikhanchin, Director of the Federal Financial Monitoring Service met with students from Moscow School No. 1529 named after A.S. Griboyedov. Schoolers from the Donetsk People's Republic joined the meeting via videoconference.

The event was also attended by Alexander Molotkov, the Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of Education and Science, and Marina Solovieva, the Director of School No. 1529.

Welcoming the children, the Head of Federal Financial Monitoring Service noted the high level of regions’ involvement in the Olympiad movement. “We have formed a powerful school community and a unified educational space. An increasing number of enthusiastic children from all parts of the country and partner countries are joining the Olympiad,” Yuri Chikhanchin said.

In his video message, Dmitry Chernyshenko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation, added that seven countries participated in the first year of the Olympiad, while in 2023, 15 countries already applied. "Winning the Olympiad will be a great chance for the children to fulfill their dreams and enroll in a specialized university without examinations, and for the state, these will be professionals in economics and finance," the Deputy Prime Minister emphasized.

The director of Federal Financial Monitoring Service told the schoolers about how the event was held last year and what innovations have been introduced this year. Some of the children present have had the experience of participating in the Olympiad, including being winners and prize-winners.

Olga Tisen, the Head of the Legal Department of the Service, talked to high school students about the rules of secure behavior on the Internet. As the children have been actively using the Internet since their childhood, they found the topic interesting and relevant.

At the end of the event, Yuri Chikhanchin answered the schoolers’ questions. The children were interested in how to become a financial intelligence officer, to resist scammers, to participate in the Olympiad and many other aspects of the financial security field.

31 March 2023

Financial security training for schoolers, students and all those interested

From April 1 to 20, 2023, the invitation stage of the III International Financial Security Olympiad will be held on the online platform of the Sirius Educational Center. It is open to schoolers, students and anyone who wants to test their skills. Registration is already open and the tasks will be available from 00:00 on April 1, Moscow time.

The creative tasks of the invitation stage demonstrate how knowledge of school curricula (Mathematics, Physics, Social Studies, and Law) is used to solve complex problems in the field of financial monitoring. The recommended time for solving tasks is two hours, but access to the test system will be open within a day after the test itself starts. For schoolers and students the invitation stage is a kind of preparation for the Preliminary (university) stage of the International Financial Security Olympiad, which starts on April 17, 2023 for schoolers in grades 8-10 and students.

“The invitation stage is a great opportunity to test your knowledge in the field of financial security. As active users of online services, we often face various risks. Everyone needs to know how to behave in certain situations, how to secure their personal data and finances. By completing tasks, users will be able to identify their strengths and weaknesses in this difficult area of knowledge, as well as to obtain new information,” Herman Negliad, State Secretary, Deputy Director of Federal Financial Monitoring Service, noted.

The Final of the Olympiad will be held on October 2-6 at the Sirius Educational Centre in Sochi and will unite more than 500 participants. The programme will include tests, meetings with invited experts, sports events, seminars, workshops, master classes, meetings with potential employers, round tables, debates, creative meetings and panel discussions. As Dmitry Chernyshenko, Deputy Prime Minister, Chairman of the Organising Committee for the preparation and holding of the Olympiad, reported earlier this year's Olympiad includes 15 participating countries (Russia, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, India, China, South Africa, Brazil, Iran, Namibia, Pakistan).

The main prize of the Olympiad is the benefits of enrolling to specialized programmes of higher education, Master or Postgraduate’s studies under the Level I Olympiad benefits, as well as the opportunity to find a dream job in the prestigious field of financial security.
The International Financial Security Olympiad is held with the support of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin and is aimed at popularizing financial security as a norm of life, as well as at shaping of a new mindset among young people: from the security of the individual to the security of the state. Holding the Olympiad complies with the objectives of the national project "Education", the main goal of which is to provide opportunities for self-realisation and development of children's talents, regardless of their place of residence and social status.

Contacts for the media:
Project Manager of ANO "National Priorities",
Anna Petroshay
+7 (985) 192-97-59
Lesson on Financial Security: February 14 – March 15, 2024

Invitation stage: March 4 – 31, 2024

Eliminatory stage:
1st round: April 10 – 13, 2024
2nd round: April 17 – 19, 2024

Qualifying stage: September 2 – 6, 2024

Final: September 30 – October 4, 2024
Trial testing Olympiad tasks of final stage 2023
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